Tag Archives: Oracle Fusion Middleware

DOAG 2014 Konferenz: IT-Sicherheit und OFM: Eine Herkulesaufgabe?

Es gab am 20. Juni in Nürnberg den DOAG 2014 Konferenz. Mein Kollege Frank Burkhardt und ich haben dort einen Vortrag über „IT-Sicherheit und OFM: Eine Herkulesaufgabe?“. Hier finden Sie unser Abstract und unsere Präsentation:

Die Anforderungen, die heute an IT-Sicherheitsexperten gestellt werden, erinnern mitunter an die scheinbar unlösbaren Aufgaben des Herkules in der griechischen Sage. Doch nicht jeder Security-Spezialist ist ein IT-Muskelmann. Und allein die traditionellen IT-Sicherheitsansätze und Maßnahmen reichen nicht aus, um neue technische aber auch organisatorische Fragen zu beantworten. Welche Lösungsansätze bietet Oracle aus diesem Dilemma? Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Problematik stellen die Referenten die Security-Konzepte von Oracle vor und richten danach einen besonderen Fokus auf Oracle WebLogic Server und Oracle Plattform Security Services (OPSS).

Diese Themen stehen dabei Mittelpunkt:

  • Herausforderungen der IT-Sicherheit in weltweit vernetzten Systeme
  • IT-Sicherheitsarchitektur und der Ansatz von Oracle
  • Oracle Fusion Middleware und Bausteine der Sicherheitstechnologie von Oracle: WLS, OAM, OID, OVD,  WebGate

Sichere Systeme: Best Practice und Erfahrungsberichte zu Authentication, Authorization, Single-Sign-On (SSO), Secure Socket Layer (SSL) und Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Link zu unserer Präsentation:

Click to access it-security_doag_20141120.pdf

PS4: Error for Updating OSB Domain after applying the latest Patch Set


The customer does the following steps as PS4 Doc regarding “Updating OSB Domain after applying the latest Patch Set” (See Updating an Oracle Service Bus Domain After Applying the Latest Patch Set in http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21764_01/doc.1111/e16793/patch_set_installer.htm)

Perform the following steps for each domain to be upgraded:

1. Make sure you have backed up and shut down all domains to be upgraded.

2. Under each Oracle Service Bus 11gR1 domain to be upgraded, open a command window and run the DOMAIN/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd/sh command.

4. In the command window, switch to the directory in which the upgrade scripts resides: OSB_ORACLE_HOME/common/lib/upgrade

5. On the command line, runs the appropriate script for your operating system: Linux/Solaris: java weblogic.WLST ./domainUpgrade.py

java weblogic.WLST ./domainUpgrade.py

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) …

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands


AND he gets the following error:

Problem invoking WLST – Traceback (innermost last):

  File “/oracle/fmw/Oracle_OSB1/common/lib/upgrade/./domainUpgrade.py”, line 368, in ?

  File “/oracle/fmw/Oracle_OSB1/common/lib/upgrade/./domainUpgrade.py”, line 16, in replaceOSBServerModuleVersion

ValueError: substring not found in string.index


This issue happens if the upgrade script has been run more than once and cannot find the proper substring in the configuration because it has already been changed.

„To resolve this issue first verify that the upgrade was not already run by examining the time-stamp of the DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml of the domain begin upgraded. If this file has recently changed then it is likely that the upgrade ran to completion. You can also look at the config.xml file and verify the version in the section:


if you upgraded more than once, then you can solve the issue in two ways:

  1. Do not do anything and continue with the next steps of your upgrade, because script had already been run.
  2. (my suggestion) Please restore from backup and re-run your upgrade again, because you can be sure your upgrade is fully correct and you do not lost your time for problem analysis, if you find that there are other problems after the upgrade.    


The following note will help you: Running The Domainupgrade.Py Script Gives Error: “substring not found in string.index” (Doc ID 1313321.1)